Those who may have heard of Home Page Pays (there are probably not a lot considering that there only around a million people users at this time, which whilst impressive for a start-up brand, is not excessive in global terms) will more than likely not have heard of YOBSN.
Advertising Articles
Nando’s advertising is well-respected and well-known. Normally for stirring controversy. But between its TV ads, which invariably succeed in getting the brand on the front pages of newspapers, and its radio commercials and newspaper ads are street pole posters which drive traffic to its outlets.
More than a million users of Home Page Pays and it’s still pre-launch
Advertising costs
Having just returned from a fishing expedition where whilst good to be away from the advertising industry for a while couldn’t quite get out of work mode, I was struck by the similarities between advertising and fishing as pursuits.
I don’t know what it is, but as a Johannesburg advertising agency, it seems that every second enquiry I receive these days is from companies with advertising budgets exceeding no more than R40 000 or R50 000 per month. Maybe this is due to my positioning of this country’s smallest ad agency where I’m perceived to focus on smallish marketing budgets: I don’t actually – a number of my clients have much larger marketing budgets to work with.
Nandos have always been quick off the mark, looking for ways to capitalise on matters making the news and getting the brand talked about, and with their latest Bio-diversity TV commercial, have done it again.