Me, in Advertising
No matter how small you might be
I'm small. I'm a one man operation. They don't come any smaller than me.
Being the only one at the coalface requires that I get my hands dirty. I'm a hands-on operator, involved in all processes: the briefing, the strategising, the conceptualising, the copywriting, the art directing, the quoting, the media co-ordinating, the client servicing, the door-opening, the coffee-making, yes, even the invoicing. Truth be told, we're good. Even though I'd have to say so myself.
I may be small, but I'm big on different ways of doing things.
Today, there are many ways to approach a project and more than ever, one needs to be creative in one's thinking. For advertising to work, it must be either executed cleverly or approached cleverly. And it should be able to get its message across in seconds. With the plethora of ads cluttering the pages of newspapers and magazines and the airwaves of TV channels and radio stations, the challenge of producing notable work has never been greater. I can help you here. By producing work that is WELL KAVONICKED AND FINELY HONED. Print advertising, radio advertising, TV advertising, cinema advertising, washroom advertising, taxi, bus and train advertising, vehicle branding, direct marketing, outdoor advertising, viral marketing, tollgate giveaways...because there is such a myriad of advertising media available, the challenge facing marketers is often "where to start, and where to end?" Budgets stretched too thinly across too many media is never ideal whereas budgets concentrated on too few media may not yield the desired results. Getting the media mix right often starts with a comprehensive and carefully thought-out agency brief.
With me being so small, am I able to handle large projects?
This is a question I'm often asked. And the answer is yes, absolutely. Because of my virtual network of designers and other service providers, much of what the big agencies can do, I can do. Depending on the magnitude of your requirement, I can set up focus groups, organise for a marketing strategy and implement it with creative work that does the strategy justice. I can handle your project from conceptualisation to completion – from creating your advertising to placing it in the media. No matter how big the project, no matter how small, I can do it all.
Big agencies charge an arm and a leg. I charge only an arm.
Positioning myself as This country's smallest ad agency, I'm sometimes perceived to be This country's cheapest ad agency. Cheap is nasty, and I don't do nasty. My rates however are more than competitive. Compared to what the big agencies charge, I'm for free.
I can do anything. And everything.
From billboards to brochures. From boxed mailings to branded emails. And everything in between; logo designs, corporate identity programs, electronic corporate identity manuals, print ads, posters, leaflets, product catalogues, newsletters, TV commercials, radio spots, websites, website banners, electronic invites, calendars, magnetised fridge calendars and notepads, magnetised licence disc holders, packaging, signage - even ideas for promotional gifts and end-of-year giveaways. You may need your website optimised for search engines, or a Google Adwords campaign implemented. You may need programming or software developed. As mentioned, I have a number of extremely talented people whom I work with, and by collaborating with them, I can get things done.
My Experience in the Communications Business
Twenty nine years in the business.
(I had hair when I started).
If memory serves correct, I did my internship the year man landed on the moon. The year Martin Luther King had his dream. The year Ron Reagan mounted his steed and rode off into the sunset. Whichever the case, I've been in advertising a LONG time. I started off in an ad agency in its media department, as a media planner. But then realised that I was actually CREATIVE, and that I had more to offer than my ability to compile a media schedule. My copywriting career kicked off in the early eighties, working on retail. Like most creative people, I went in search of fame and fortune in other agencies. Then I grew up. Matured. Realised that I would be better off freelancing (with my art director Dominic Hone) which I did for four or five years. This led to us forming our own agency, Kavonic Hone. When Dominic eventually left for the UK, I positioned myself as THIS COUNTRY'S SMALLEST AD AGENCY. And years on, I still am. Today, I'm an experienced all-rounder and have worked across most industries, most product categories and on the following businesses: