TV and Radio Advertising Magazine Advertising TV Advertising Agency


TV and Radio Advertising

Magazine advertising hits you here
between the eyes. And no, it's not old
fashioned to advertise in magazines.

On paper, magazines are a fine way to engage your target market.

Few media enjoy the attention of magazines. If you're a husband, you'll know better than to ask your wife for a neck and shoulder massage in the middle of her reading her favourite mag. Place your ad in a quality magazine and it'll be sure to get noticed. Where newspaper advertising creates immediacy, magazine advertising creates intimacy and enjoys a longer shelf life. (There have been many instances of marketers receiving enquiries or orders from ads placed in magazines a year previously!) Readers of magazines typically have a strong loyalty with the publication and any advertising appearing therein levers off that loyalty. Advertising in print media will always find favour amongst advertisers, primarily because of the relationship it has with readers. Also, you can't delete it, or switch it off. Go to the bathroom and it'll still be there when you come back. Besides which, magazines provide a veritable myriad of advertising options and lend themselves to out-the-box thinking. With magazines joining the fight for their slice of the South African advertising pie, many of the more reputable titles will accommodate (or at the very least, try to accommodate) requests that are different from the norm. (Affixing a business card or product sachet to a full page magazine ad, for instance, is today reasonably common-place). Magazine wrap-arounds or bagging are also popular. Consideration could also be given to placing advertorials in magazines, which work extremely well when there is a lot to communicate. (See the examples below). As you'll be aware, there are a bewildering number of print publications in the South African market, and unless you're familiar with their demographics, reach and circulation, you may make the mistake of spending money with the wrong titles. The question of which magazines to advertise in (and when, and how) should best be put to media planners who analyse media consumption, chew figures and compare rates for a living. I work with such people. And through them, can plan your magazine advertising strategy according to your available budget and book advertising space on your behalf. (So long as we do the latter, the print media strategy will be done free of charge). In the meantime, here are a selection of my magazine ads. There's a certain style to my advertising. Whilst some ad agencies aspire to winning awards for creativity (nothing wrong), I'd rather produce solid (and understandable) advertising that gets your phone to ring. It's a question of money in the bank vs a certificate on your wall. Which would YOU prefer? If you click on "Print Adverts" (here to the right), you will see more of my magazine advertising.








Anglo Gold Anglo Gold




Houghton Harper Inc Houghton Harper Inc Houghton Harper Inc


Houghton Harper Inc Houghton Harper Inc Houghton Harper Inc



If you'd like me to contact you about your magazine advertising requirements, please call me on my landline number 087 805 9977 or 083 444 9888. Alternatively, email me on with "Magazine Advertising" in the subject line. I'll get back to you asap.